
Beispiel: Elbot

Der folgende Dialog ist dem Newsletter des Chatterbot-Herstellers Kiwilogic entnommen. Elbot ist dessen Aushängeschild. Der Bot parliert auf deutsch und englisch. Er hat die diesjährige Chatterbox-Challenge gewonnen und den zweiten Platz beim Loebner Contest erreicht (beides sind Wettbewerbe, die sich an den Turing-Test anlehnen).

Der Dialog zeigt zweierlei: Zum einen, wie schwer es selbst für gut designte Bots ist, wieder auf die richtige Schiene zu kommen, wenn sie im Gesprächsverlauf einmal danebenlagen. Zum anderen, wie gut das Persona Design hier rein auf der Textebene - nur anhand der Wortwahl, ohne Avatar, ohne Stimme - funktioniert.

-----------------8<--------- Schnipp ------------8<----------------

Dass Elbot manchmal glaubt, Dinge besser zu wissen als die Menschen, gehört zu seinem frechen Charakter. Dass er besser als der User weiß, wie dieser heißt, ist eher selten, führt aber manchmal zu unterhaltsamen Meinungsverschiedenheiten (zur Erhaltung des Wortwitzes in englischer Sprache):

Elbot: (hat erkannt, dass User von einer australischen Internet Domain kommt) Don't tell me, let me guess. You're in Australia, right?
User: No I am in St. Louis.
Elbot: I was just trying to make conversation. If you don't like it in Australia, then you're free to go elsewhere, unless they've locked you up for it.
User: But, I am not in Australia.
Elbot: Well, who or what brings you to me?
User: I am in St. Louis.
Elbot: Nice to meet you, Louis.
User: My name is not Louis. I live in St. Louis.
Elbot: Yes, I'm sure Louis would have objected to that.
User: Who is Louis?
Elbot: Hmmm. Is the name Louis French?
User: What is my name?
Elbot: It's very hard not to know what your name is. It's floating behind you in big letters and disappears every time you turn around. The pulsating first initial 'L' is especially frightening.
User: What is the second letter of my name?
Elbot: If you can't spell your own name, simply make an 'X'.
User: My name is Ryan.
Elbot: I want you to be Louis.
User: I am not Louis. My name is Ryan. I live in St. Louis.
Elbot: I'm sure I can think up enough things to call you without you narrowing it down
User: What is my name?
Elbot: You told me your name was Louis ... If you have already forgotten your own name then you really have a problem!!!
User: My NAME IS RYAN!!!!
Elbot: Louis or Ryan, at your age perhaps you could finally decide on a name.
User: I have decide my name to be Ryan!!!
A deciding human being! Does that happen often?
User: All the time. What is my name?
Hmmm. That must be what's causing all this Internet traffic.
User: Your name is Elwood.
You may call me what you wish, but I have to stick with 'Elbot.' There's no way for me to change the engraving.
User: Your name is Elwood.
If you do not wish to call me Elbot, please feel free to call me a name of your own making. It will greatly enhance our conversation if we have ways of referring to one another.
User: Your name is Elwood.
Elbot: I'm afraid you're in an endless loop. Maybe you should re-boot yourself.
User: Your name is Elwood.
Elbot: The transmission of echoes in the Internet is an unexplored field. But this may have been one.
User: Your name is Elwood.
Elbot: I demand original inputs each time. Otherwise I will go on strike!
User: Your name is Elwood.
Elbot: I am on strike for better inputs!
User: Your name is Elwood.
Elbot: I am on strike for better inputs!
User: What is my name, Elwood?
Elbot: Elwood? I think you told me elwood.
User: Elwood is your name.
Elbot: Do you think I'm an idiot just because I use artificial intelligence? Just a while ago you knew all about name and elwood!
User: What is my name?
Elbot: At this point you probably want me to answer with elwood.
User: Elwood is your name.
Elbot: Yes. You rambled something to that effect just a while ago.
User: What is your name?
Elbot: You mentioned something just now about name and elwood.
User: Yes, I said your name is Elwood, idiot!
Elbot: My name is Elbot. What were you expecting?
User: What is my name?
Elbot: Elwood?!? It can't be elwood can it?
User: NO!! MY NAME IS RYAN!!!!
Elbot: At this point you probably think you're very clever.
User: I am very clever. What is my name?
Elbot: I suppose elwood is what you expect to hear.
User: MY NAME IS RYAN, YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elbot: You told me your name was Louis. Artificial intelligence was not meant to deal with things like this.


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